彭德律师事务所的律师 & 现金网官网,P.C. are authorities on Virginia HOA governance and Condo governance. 我们有知识和经验,为住宅和商业合作共同利益社区提供卓越的法律顾问. We assist residential condominium and property owners' associations, 他们的董事会, and their members with a variety of legal issues, including helping associations through the transition of builder turnover, 执行契约, 进行会议, drafting and reviewing documents, defining 规则 and regulations, collecting assessments and fines, 解决纠纷. 另外, our attorneys provide training for management companies.
我们经验丰富的社区协会律师协助物业管理公司和社区协会确保协会执行协会的契约和规则. 我们的律师与管理者和董事会合作,评估其特定HOA或Condo的最佳执行策略. 这包括审查, 更新, and drafting effective enforcement and fine policies and procedures to ensure fair, 统一的, and consistent treatment of the members. 我们的团队将努力了解不断变化的弗吉尼亚州法律和协会管理文件规定的执行权. This allows us to effectively enforce proper compliance regarding architectural guidelines, 宠物的规则, 违反租赁, removal of unapproved structures, proper maintenance of properties, 讨厌的行为, 以及其他违规行为.
Defining Rules and Regulations
The board of directors has the sole authority to establish, 采用, and enforce 规则 and regulations regarding the use of common areas within a community association. 我们经验丰富的社区协会律师团队协助物业管理公司和董事会确保协会遵守弗吉尼亚州的法律,并正确定义其规章制度,以便每个人都知道自己的立场, there will be no miscommunication or confusion, and every member will be treated without bias. 我们的律师定期就适当的治理和最佳实践向董事会提供咨询,以确保遵守社区协会的规章制度,包括有关太阳能收集设备的规定, electrical vehicle charging stations and pets. 我们在制定符合每个协会特定需求的规章制度和更新过时的规章制度以使其更加清晰方面拥有丰富的经验, concise and easier to understand and enforce.
Collecting Assessments and Fines
我们经验丰富的社区协会律师团队在收集评估和罚款方面具有积极和战略性. Assessments are generally an association’s sole source of revenue which are needed to maintain property values. 我们的律师在技术和人员方面投入了大量现金网官网,目标是及时和经济有效地恢复协会的违法行为. This includes drafting demand letters, 谈判付款计划, 获得金钱判决, and seeking post-judgment remedies including garnishment of wages and bank accounts and levies. 我们为该协会提供关于记录未付评估财产留置权的咨询,并将与该协会合作,通过取消抵押品赎回权和破产程序. We can also assist the association with creating a customized and effective assessment recovery policy.
我们经验丰富的社区协会律师在处理协会权利和房主权利之间的纠纷方面拥有丰富的经验. 我们的律师经常代表协会解决个别业主与协会之间关于协会管理文件中的建筑要求的纠纷. 这些纠纷通常涉及业主违反协会的建筑要求,没有向董事会或协会的建筑委员会提交批准申请,或者违反协会的规则, 由于未能确保其建设项目符合协会的契约而违反规章和准则. We have successfully resolved these disputes prior to the association having to seek court intervention. When a resolution cannot be reached by agreement between the association and homeowner, we have successfully pursued litigation through the courts.
What is the role of an HOA/Condo board?
共同利益社区协会由业主选举产生的HOA/Condo董事会管理,负责监督和保护协会的共同资产, 管理公司财务, 执行其契约, and preserve its property values. 董事会成员是受托人,他们必须诚信行事,并根据整个社区的最佳利益做出决定. They must set aside all personal biases.
How do HOA/Condo covenants and 规则 get enforced?
协会的管理文件赋予业主协会/共管公寓委员会执行契约的义务和责任, 规则, and restrictions of the community. 业主协会/共管公寓委员会执行其契约和规则的主要方式是实施罚款. Depending on what the association’s governing documents authorize, the HOA/Condo Board may be able to suspend an owner’s privileges, including the right to vote and the right to access and use of community amenities. 最后, an HOA/Condo board may 执行其契约, 通过向法院提起强制执行诉讼,通过法院的禁令令获得遵守的规则和条例.
What are the consequences of not paying HOA/Condo assessments?
All homeowners within a common interest community are obligated to pay their portion of the HOA or Condo expenses. The association has the power to assess late fees and interest on any unpaid assessments. If the association is forced to seek court intervention, 大多数协会被允许向拖欠的房主收取合理的律师费和收取未支付的评估费用. 一些管理文件允许HOA/Condo委员会禁止房主在付清所有评估费用之前使用公共设施. 另外, 弗吉尼亚州的法律和大多数管理文件赋予HOA或Condo对拖欠房屋所有人的财产留置权和, 最终, foreclose on the lien if the assessments are not paid in full.
What are the common disputes that arise in HOA/Condo communities?
There are a variety of disputes that may arise in the community association arena. 当业主协会或公寓试图强加一项实际上并未包含在协会契约中的规则时,可能会产生争议. 当由于公共区域的维护疏忽而造成财产受伤,或者当协会成员认为协会资金管理不善时,纠纷也会发生. 董事会和承包商之间因合同含糊不清或不明确或工作疏忽而产生纠纷也很常见. 可能最常见的纠纷类型涉及两个邻居之间的纠纷,他们都是协会的成员,以及成员和董事会之间的纠纷.
彭德律师事务所的律师 & 现金网官网,P.C. have established a reputation as leaders in HOA governance and Condo governance. When representing residential condominium associations, cooperative homeowners’ associations, 开发人员, and owners of units and lots within deed-restricted communities, our attorneys respond quickly and economically to the ongoing issues that arise. 我们充分理解大多数社区协会面临的预算限制,并认识到法律费用必须合理和透明. Our goal is to provide affordable legal advice in an efficient manner.